Witnessing by The Hon Lau Kong-wah JP (2nd right, back row), Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Yeung Tak-keung JP (1st left, back row), Commissioner for Sports, Dr Lam Tai-fai SBS JP, Chairman of the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI) (2nd left, back row), and Professor Chung Pak-kwong, Head of Department of Physical Education of the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) (1st right, back row). Professor Roland Chin Tai-hong BBS JP (right, front row), President and Vice-Chancellor of the HKBU, and Dr Trisha Leahy BBS (left, front row), Chief Executive of the HKSI, sign the MOU for elite athletes study programme.
Witnessing by The Hon Lau Kong-wah JP (2nd right, back row), Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Yeung Tak-keung JP (1st left, back row), Commissioner for Sports, Dr Lam Tai-fai SBS JP, Chairman of the Hong Kong Sports Institute (HKSI) (2nd left, back row), and Professor Chung Pak-kwong, Head of Department of Physical Education of the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) (1st right, back row). Professor Roland Chin Tai-hong BBS JP (right, front row), President and Vice-Chancellor of the HKBU, and Dr Trisha Leahy BBS (left, front row), Chief Executive of the HKSI, sign the MOU for elite athletes study programme.